Sabado, Hulyo 4, 2015

Leaving a Legacy


                Everybody wants to have a legacy that people in the future will admired. Even me I want to be remembered by the people in the past and to know by the people in the present and future. I want to be remembered by the things I do for being me, for being myself because I do it not because they told me to do it, but because I want to do it.


                 I also want to be remembered by my talent, although I don't know what is my talent yet, I will take my time to know it so I can be a good influence to those people that have the same talent as mine. Cause knowing the truth takes time. Its a process, change takes time you can't force it to come out, if its not ready, but you can tame it.

"No matter what happens in life,
be good to people.
Being good to people
is a wonderful legacy to left behind."
-Taylor Swift

Sabado, Hunyo 27, 2015

Three Stages of High School Life in Cavite National Science High School

My high school life is precious to me
This is the best years of my life
I earned some friends
I learned many things

On my first year in high school
The environment is so unfamiliar
With me being a student in my school
But I survived and continued pursuing my dream

Second year in high school
I know where I will put myself
I know where I belong
and I'm glad about it

On the first month of my third year in high school
It is like the room is filled with strangers
I'm not very familiar with the environment
But I'm trying to belong with them

I wish that on the third year of my high
school life
I will gain new friends
I will learn many things that a student needs to learn
and I wish I will survive